Voskhod 2: The Disaster of History’s First Spacewalk

500 km above the earth, Alexei Leonov climbs out of the Russian Voskhod casual. He is about to enter the history books as the first man to perform a spacewalk. “You just can't comprehend it. Only out there can you feel the greatness - the huge size of all that surrounds us.” Leonov was no... Continue Reading →

Apollo 11 – Jack Garman and the 1202 Alarm

After travelling through space for three days, the Apollo 11 Lunar Module undocks from the Command Module… Michael Collins watches though his window, the golden skin of the Lunar Module – little thicker than tin foil – glistens in the sun as it begins to fall towards the lunar surface. Of the three Apollo 11... Continue Reading →

Bluebell Dairy – 25/08/2018

Over the bank holiday weekend me and Holly took a little trip to Bluebell Dairy to spend some time with the farm animals. If you live in Derby i'd definitely recommend it! There's enough there to keep you busy for a good few hours! All shot using a Cannon 200D on a 50mm 1.8. (I'm... Continue Reading →

Save The Dog Protest – 14/08/2018

Yesterday I attended at march and demonstration outside the Derby City Council building in support of a bar and music venue called The Hairy Dog. "The Dog" is a well know alternative bar that is extremely popular in the city. Unfortunately, because The Hairy Dog doesn't fit in with the council's plans for gentrification it... Continue Reading →

Nottingham Pride – 2018

I went to my first Pride event this year in Nottingham, and man it was fun! A day of colour, glitter, rainbows and alcohol! It was incredible to see Nottingham so full of life and happiness, with signs of trouble, distress or hate. We marched along with the parade through Nottingham city center and into... Continue Reading →

Spain – 2018

Me and my girlfriend spent a week in Spain together in July of 2018 - Our first beach holiday! We stayed in Lloret De Mar in the Costa Brava region of Spain enjoying the local food, sun and most importantly, beers! We even took a day trip to Barcelona on a train that took us straight... Continue Reading →

Dovedale Stepping Stones

Me and my partner spent a sunday wandering around the stepping stones of Dovedale. With my first ND filter in hand, my goal was to try and take a long exposure photo of the waters. After a few tries I finally managed to get what I was going for - although there's definitely room for... Continue Reading →

Hall Farm

Hall Farm is an abandoned collection of farm houses in Derbyshire, likely dating back to before the First World War. These photos were taken on a rainy day in February 2018, some of the buildings shown in theses photos have now been demolished to make way for a housing development on the site. Part of... Continue Reading →

Buxton – 2018

My girlfriend and I took a trip to Buxton in February 2018 as part of our one year anniversary celebrations. During this trip we took a walk through the countryside to Solomon's Temple. These photos were taken during this walk. Canon 200D - 50mm 1.8

Portraits – 01

  I don't have access to a photography studio, and to be honest, don't know the full ins and outs of using models in a studio environment for portraiture. Instead, I like to take natural and candid photos of my friends and family, often at parties or during days out. These photos were taken between... Continue Reading →

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